Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Poor Life Decision of the Day

Water and cell phones do not mix. Why I thought it was safe to check my texts in the bathtub, I do not know. That's a complete lie, I know exactly why I brought my cell phone to the bathroom with me. It's winter, I was cold and wanted to take a hot bath, and I though it would be a great time to reply to my texts. That is, until I dropped my phone in the bathtub.

It's even worse because due to a combination of events including and limited to my sisters losing/breaking their phones and my newest phone getting stolen (the thief wracked up $320 in data fees!), I am down to my last phone. There are no more spares. My only phone is now sitting in a sealed plastic bag of brown rice. In 24 hours I will remove it and see if it turns on, and actually functions.

Life lesson, don't bring cell phones into the bathroom, like not even near one. My dad's iPhone fell out of his pj bottoms into the toilet a few weeks ago and that was the end of it (well, the ringer stopped working). In the words of my father "It will be the most expensive bath you've ever taken." Hopefully he's wrong.

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